Ilan Berman
Ilan Berman
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Books by Ilan Berman

Cover of Winning the Long War

Winning the Long War
Retaking the Offensive against Radical Islam

by Ilan Berman
Rowman & Littlefield, 2009. 140 pp. $29.95
July 2009

Reviews: Aaron Mannes, Journal of the Middle East and Africa  •  Heather Robinson, Huffington Post  •  Lawrence J. Haas, North Star Writers Group  •  C. Dale Walton, Comparative Strategy  •  Publisher's Weekly  •  Jonathan Schanzer, The Jerusalem Post  •  Clifford May, National Review Online  •  James S. Robbins, Washington Times  •  Publishers Weekly  •  Samara Greenberg, inFocus Quarterly  •  Thanassis Cambanis, Far Eastern Economic Review  •  Ed Soufer, The Humanist

Winning the Long War is a trenchant examination of the past seven years of the Global War on Terror, the future battlegrounds that will confront the United States in the struggle against radical Islam in the years ahead, and how America can reclaim the initiative in what has become the defining struggle of the twenty-first century. Middle East expert Ilan Berman offers new thinking on counterterrorism strategy and provides the new administration with ways to close the gaps in current American counterterrorism strategy.

While there are many books about fighting terrorism, none offer Berman's approach of integrating diplomatic, legal, economic, military, and theoretical strategies into a comprehensive national security action plan. Using cutting edge analysis of current terrorism trends, Winning the Long War identifies three central failings that triggered the West's retreat and radical Islam's simultaneous advance: the failure to properly define the enemy, the inability to dominate the battlefields, and the inability to calibrate counterterrorism strategies. Demonstrating the need for more creative thinking about the nature of the conflicts in which the West now finds itself, this book lays out the steps that must be taken to win the long war.

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